Hello everyone! I bring you the current build of Welcome Home 2. Before playing, please keep in mind that this is an unfinished version of the game so crashes and bugs are to be expected.
Things that I've added:
- A secret! :) I can't tell you what it is
- New door in Nexus. The main nexus contains several objects and doors that can bring you to various locations. All of these locations are interconnected and these nexus doors act as shortcuts.
- Debug room button. This skips the opening cut scene. I use this to help with the debugging and testing process. It will not be in final builds.
- Debug shovel. This gives you access to all effects. I use this to help with the debugging and testing process. It will not be in final builds.
- Chitin mall. This building is currently incomplete however I've added several rooms and enemies.
My current development objectives:
- Saving and loading. I'm currently working on an ideal saving and loading system. It will come in later updates
- More nexus doors. I want to add as many shortcuts as possible to help with navigation
- More buildings: The main map is rather large and does not have much in it. I will do my best to add as many buildings and other interesting things as possible
- More enemies and hazards. I want each encounter with them to be unique so I'm trying to have a large variety to keep things interesting
- Add secrets and ARG elements. I can't really give too much away about this. just keep an eye out.
As always I'm open to any suggestions if you guys have them :)
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy. Thank you for the support!
you can access the build here https://www.patreon.com/posts/wh2-1-1-update-48793647